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My Kindle EFT Books

My First Kindle book is about Magic Buttons Bear and how he came into Being to help the children feel better faster by learning to tap to balance their uncomfortable feelings. 


















                                                              AVAILABLE @  AMAZON.COM

My Second Kindle book is comprised of 25 comprehensive Tapping tips designed to give you ideas for tapping with children of all ages.  There are even tips for tapping with adults as well.  These ideas will hopefully make you more confident in the work that you are doing.  Helping children learn to balance little fears keeps them from carrying all the emotional baggage into adulthood that we have all had to do, only to have to learn ways of unwinding it later. 


















                                                                AVAILABLE @  AMAZON.COM



                       COMING SOON will be a series of:  "The Adventures of Magic Buttons"

               These will be which will be true-life stories of the tapping work that Magic Buttons

                has been doing around the world. 










                  EFT PROFESSIONAL




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