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Unique to EFT.....
Unique to Linda Wood.....
Innovator of this idea.
You may want to do a longer session:
1) So that you can really get some energy shifted to accelerate your emotional healing process
2) You live a long distance away and want to get as much cleared as possible in one longer session
IF SO.......
(Focus on one client and tap all day)
I came up with this idea several years ago and have
helped countless people make rapid changes and huge shifts in their lives and their outlooks.
Many years ago, I recognized that many clients would come for their sessions with such a
long list of issues, that they'd had no idea where to start with their own tapping.
Then just as we'd get the tapping really flowing, their time would be over. I once said to one of my Tapping friends, "Once I get to tapping, I just don't want to stop and neither does my client." She answered, "Then don't." I also had many clients coming to see me from distances of several hours away. It was a long time to travel for the traditional hour long sessions.
This was when and how I came up with the IDEA for ALL DAY INTENSIVE tapping sessions.
This method of working with a client is Unique to EFT and was Unique to me until I began teaching it to others.
A dentist, doctor, acupuncturist, Reiki practitioner, manicurist, hairdresser, and most other professional services are designed to take several clients per day. However, with EFT, not only can you do just one client per day, but it is EXTREMELY effective. I've built a wonderfully successful and extremely effective Tapping business designed around this concept and could fill several pages with positive testimonials and many suceess stories.
Yes, I can also still work with a client for just one or two hour sessions if need be. And sometimes that might be best for your situation. I can also work for half a day, or one, two or three full days. What is it that you need? With EFT, we can be flexible to your needs and to the distance that you have to travel.
If you are coming from a long distance, you might want to take advantage of as much tapping time as possible.
Q: What will a whole day do for me?
A: We begin tapping and just flow from one issue to the next, collapsing, clearing, balancing and gaining more understanding with as many issues as possible. We tap for an hour or more, then take a few minutes, break, then go at it again. At each break, you will feel more and more shifts until by the end of the day, not only will you feel like a different person and be able to understand yourself better, but to anyone who knows you well, you will even have changed in appearance. It's as if there is more of a lightness about you. We sometimes refer to it as 'The EFT facelift.'
After collapsing all that we can, I then help you sort out any remaining presenting issues, file them away and discuss how you can carry forward with them. If you want to try tapping at home on your own, I'll give you tips for how to take out just one or two things off your list at a time and tap on just those so as not to be overwhelmed. If you want to do more tapping wtih me, we'll figure out a schedule so that we can work together for a series of weekly one hour sessions for the next few weeks or however long is needed. This can be done over Skype or in person.
By flowing from one issue to the next, as you do when tapping all day, you will begin to see how many of your issues that were seemingly unrelated, actually have connecting links, similar themes. You also will uncover unhealthy patterns that you repeatedly automatically and unconsciously had been running. We can identify these, collapse them and work on installing new thoughts, beliefs and ways of reacting.
Come in feeling overwhelmed, and leave feeling sorted, with a road map for moving forward.
Bring in your 'unbearable' feelings and go home feeling much more than just 'bearable.'
Create Permanent changes in our lives through tapping. If you try to create changes with willpower, you will fail. It's not designed for that. Use tapping to dig deep into your unconscious, hidden patterns. Delete some of your old beliefs that no longer fit the way you want your life to go. And Tapping does so much more!
One of the things that I feel we do when we tap, is that we mix up all the old patterns of atoms and molecules so that once we have finished a session, our consciousness can settle back
down into new, more useful patterns.
Q: Won't I get too tired tapping all day?
A: Most people are absolutely amazed that the day goes so quickly. Yes, there is a tiredness, but there is also a renewed energy. As we clear out the old, stuck energy, new energy begins moving through. Most people feel this is an extremely valuable way to work.
Email me to ask for more information:
Q: Can I tap out ALL my stuff if I come for one or two days?
A: No. As long as we are alive and breathing, we will have more 'stuff.'
But you can clear a lot of things, find and shift many of your unhealthy, repeated patterns and come to greater understandings of yourself much more quickly.
Clearing our issues is likened to peeling an onion, once we clear out something, peel back a layer, we then have room for another layer to come to the surface. Life is about learning and growing and navigating through our personal and collective challenges. When we begin consciously focusing on cleansing and clearing, we can move through our lessons and ascend our consciousness at a much accelerated rate, especially at this point in history when our supporting energies are accelerated as well.
"Thank you for last Monday. It was wonderful! Felt a little 'confused' the day after as things still needed to settle back into new patterns but feeling 'great' now. Thanks very much for your help. As I said after spending time, effort & money on all sorts of therapies from counselling & hypnotherapy to acupuncture, an Intensive 1 day session recently with yourself has helped me more than anything so thank you very much!"
"Linda, I'm glad for you that your dreams are coming true, and I also thank you for the workshops I have attended and the presentations you have done. You are a true inspiration and have been such a leader in the tapping community."
"Linda, YOU are 'Magic', The way you teach is an inspiration. The last 4 weekends I spent with you has changed much of how I work with kids and trauma now, especially when its new and 'raw'. I am one person who is gonna miss you VERY much when you move to the states."
"Linda, You are such a blessing to everyone you teach and everyone you tap with and probably to everyone you meet as well."